Endorsements for Carrie Warren-Gully
Coloradans are standing up for Arapahoe and supporting Carrie Warren-Gully. Join the strong Colorado leaders below to re-elect Carrie Warren-Gully as Arapahoe County Commissioner and together we’ll tackle homelessness, fight for attainable housing, build better paying and more durable jobs, and work towards a more prosperous, safe, and vibrant Arapahoe.

Phil Weiser CO Attorney General
“Carrie Warren-Gully has led in fighting the opioid epidemic and advancing public safety in Arapahoe County. We need leaders like Carrie who will fight for addiction treatment and recovery in our communities. That’s why I’m supporting Carrie Warren-Gully for Arapahoe County Board of Commissioners!”

US Rep. Jason Crow Colorado CD 6U.S. Congress, CD 6
“I endorse Carrie Warren-Gully for Arapahoe County Commissioner. Carrie has been a partner for many years on the local issues that matter most to our communities. We worked to protect and expand funding for education to support Arapahoe county students and we will continue to advocate for good governance, funding for the Arapahoe/Douglas workforce center, veteran services, and wrap around services for our most vulnerable residents through county human services. We need Carrie to continue to fight for these important issues.”

Dave YoungColorado State Treasurer
“Partnering with Commissioner Warren-Gully over the years has brought forward many advancements in the education community, wonderful strides in the Developmental Disabilities Community and financial security for the residents in Arapahoe County. Re-electing Carrie will be vital to protecting our Colorado way of life!”

Phil Weiser CO Attorney General
“Carrie Warren-Gully has led in fighting the opioid epidemic and advancing public safety in Arapahoe County. We need leaders like Carrie who will fight for addiction treatment and recovery in our communities. That’s why I’m supporting Carrie Warren-Gully for Arapahoe County Board of Commissioners!”

US Rep. Jason Crow Colorado CD 6U.S. Congress, CD 6
“I endorse Carrie Warren-Gully for Arapahoe County Commissioner. Carrie has been a partner for many years on the local issues that matter most to our communities. We worked to protect and expand funding for education to support Arapahoe county students and we will continue to advocate for good governance, funding for the Arapahoe/Douglas workforce center, veteran services, and wrap around services for our most vulnerable residents through county human services. We need Carrie to continue to fight for these important issues.”

Dave YoungColorado State Treasurer
“Partnering with Commissioner Warren-Gully over the years has brought forward many advancements in the education community, wonderful strides in the Developmental Disabilities Community and financial security for the residents in Arapahoe County. Re-electing Carrie will be vital to protecting our Colorado way of life!”

Michael BennetUS Senator for Colorado

Jared PolisGovernor of Colorado

Dianne PrimaveraColorado Lt. Governor

Leslie SummeyArapahoe Commissioner

Bill HolenArapahoe Commissioner

Jessica Campbell SwansonArapahoe Commissioner

Steve O'DorisioAdams Commissioner

Othoniel SierraEnglewood Mayor

Kyle SchlachterLittleton Mayor

Gretchen RydinLittleton City Council

Tara Beiter-FluhrCity of Sheridan Mayor

Ilana Dubin SpiegelCU Board of Regents, CD 6

Rebecca McClellanCO State Board of Education

Kathy PlomerCO State Board of Education

Senator Chris KolkerCO Senate District 16

Senator Jeff BridgesCO Senate District 26

Senator Tom SullivanCO Senate District 27

Senator Rhonda FieldsCO Senate District 28

Senator Janet BucknerCO Senate District 29

Rep Meg FroelichCO House District 3

Rep David OrtizCO House District 38

Rep Eliza HamrickCO House District 61

Nancy JacksonFmr. Arapahoe Commissioner

Linda OlsonFormer Englewood Mayor
Organizational Support for Carrie Warren-Gully

Denver Area Labor Federation

Homebuilders Assn. Of Metro Denver

Conservation Colorado

Sheet Metal Workers


Blue Flower Fund

3.14 Action Fund

Colorado Black Women for Political Action

GMD Ministerial Alliance

GMD Ministerial Alliance